Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering is to provide students with a sound mechanical engineering education, enhance the understanding and application of mechanical engineering principles for technological development through teaching, research, and outreach programs to improve the quality of life of our citizens. Mechanical Engineering is considered to be the core branch in engineering. The curriculum prepares a student for a wide variety of technical and professional areas having their roots in Mechanical Engineering - areas as diverse as Thermodynamics, Manufacturing processes, Fluid mechanics, Heat transfer, Machine design, CAD/CAM/CAE, Automation, Industrial Engineering, Production Technology and others.

Prof. S. K. Pawar
Head of Department
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. It's my pleasure to introduce the Department. The Mechanical Engineering Department is one of the prominent Department of Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering. It is established in the year 2009 initially with intake capacity of 60 and increased to 120 in the year 2010-11. Our Department has a team of qualified and experienced faculty members and we are striving hard continuously to improve upon the quality of education and to maintain its position of leadership in engineering and technology. The Department is committed to deliver the fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science, thermal, design and manufacturing engineering to the students. The department has the most modern infrastructure to undertake high-end teaching, research and developmental activities in its 12 laboratories. Faculties and students are encouraged to organize and attend various conferences, techfest, seminars and workshops to upgrade their knowledge and to participate in various competitions. For the overall personality development of students, Department has established Mechanical Engineering Student Association (MESA).
Excellence in Mechanical Engineering to accept the global challenges.
Develop spirited Mechanical Engineers with good communication skill, social and ethical values for development of society.
Impart continuously quality technical education of the highest standards.
Prepare and nurture the mind set for civil services, higher studies and research activity.
Promote exposure to green technology for sustainable development.
Program Outcomes
- Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering with focus on mechanical engineering.
- Design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data & document the result.
- To identify, formulate, and solve the mechanical engineering problems.
- Lead and manage multidisciplinary teams by applying engineering management and finance principles to handle the projects.
- Realize & follow the ethical principles, responsibilities & norms of engineering practice.
- Communicate effectively and present technical information in oral and written forms.
- Apply engineering solution in social & global contest and evaluate the impact of engineering solution on society, health, safety, legal, cultural & environment issue for sustainable development.
- Make use of modern engineering software and equipments to apply in mechanical engineering.
- Have knowledge of contemporary issue.
- To engage in lifelong learning this maintains continuous professional development.
- Participate & succeed in competitive examinations.
- To evaluate social, cultural and legal implications of engineering solutions.
Program Specific Outcomes
PS01: Apply their knowledge in the domain of engineering Design, Production and Thermal fluid sciences to solve engineering problems utilizing advanced technology.PS02: Successfully apply the principles of design, analysis and implementation of mechanical systems which have been learned as a part of the curriculum
PS03: Develop and implement new ideas on product design and development with the help of modern CAD/CAM/CAE tools ensuring best practices.
Program Educational Outcomes
- To prepare graduates for successful careers in design, thermal, manufacturing, service and process industries, research and development organizations and academic institutions.
- To provide students with the technical knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and engineering to recognize, analyze and solve problems, and to apply these abilities to the generation of new ideas or products in industry and to implement these solutions in practice.
- To enhance the knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering to provide technological solutions and adopting social responsibilities & environment concern.
- To develop professional, financial and ethical practices such as, project and financial management skills, multidisciplinary approach, soft skills & awareness about lifelong learning.

Heat Transfer Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. A. K. Jamdade
Lab Details: Thermal conductivity of metal rod, Thermal conductivity of insulating powder, Heat transfer coefficient in natural convection, Forced convection, Heat transfer through pin fin, Stefan Boltzman, Heat pipe, Double pipe heat exchanger.

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. N. D. Bagul
Lab Details: Vapour Compression Test Rig, Air Conditioning Test Rig, Ice Plant Test Rig, Vapour Absorption Test Rig, Heat Pump.

Hydraulics & Pneumatics Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. C. S. Gaikwad
Lab Details: Gear pump test rig, Advanced Hydraulic trainer kit, Advanced Pneumatic trainer kit, Relief valve trainer, Two stage Reciprocating Air Compressor, Electro pneumatic kit.

TOM-DOM Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. M. B. Bankar
Lab Details: Four Bar Chain Mechanism, Single Slider Crank Mechanism, Double Slider Crank Mechanism, Rope Brake Dynamometer Test Rig, Cam jump phenomenon, Centrifugal governor, Rack and Pinion cutter for gear tooth profile, Epicyclic gear train, Static & Dynamic balancing, Whirling of Shaft, Universal Vibration.

Thermal Engineering Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. D. B. Misal
Lab Details: Bomb Calorimeter, Separating & Throttling Calorimeter with Boiler, Flash & Fire Point Apparatus, Cloud & Pour Apparatus, Orsat Apparatus, Single Cylinder Petrol Engine, Single Cylinder Diesel Engine, Exhaust Gas Analyzer.

Basic Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. P. G. Gaware
Lab Details: Models of Boiler, Cut section models of Engine, Models of Coupling, Clutch, Brake, Gear, Keys, Drive, Bearing set Ball, Roller, Taper & Thrust.

Mechatronics Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. S. D. Thorbole
Lab Details: Calibration of Thermocouple/RTD, Study of load cell, Displacement Measurement, Verification of P,P+I,P+D, P+I+D, SCADA Application Software, PLC Trainer.

Metrology & Quality Control Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. D. A. More
Lab Details: Vernier Caliper, Outside Micrometer, Bevel Protector, Sine Bar, Auto Collimator, Screw Thread Micrometer, Gear Tooth Vernier Caliper, Dial Calibration Tester, Interferometer with Optical Flat, Profile Projector.

CAD-CAM Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. L. P. Maskepatil
Lab Details: Z.W.CAD, SolidWorks, Mastercam X6 Software, Ansys Software Version 14, Plotter, Computer Systems, Laser Jet Printer.