Dean Academics Message

Prof. D. B. Shelke
M. E. Mech Engg.
Dean Academics
Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering is a center of delivering the high-quality technical education to its students through a blend of theoretical & practical sessions, industrial visits, Internships, skill enhancement programmes and hands on experiences with technologies to transform its students into ethically driven competent professionals to serve the society and the nation.
The major emphasis is on imparting technical training to encourage curiosity and innovativeness among the students and the foundation from where they can acquire quick learning ability and adaptively with the fast changing needs of the industry.
The Institution is a melting pot of different cultures and hence you will experience the unity in diversity in the institute environment.
Students of SCSCOE will enjoy their time and it will be a great learning experience for them.
The academics at SCSCOE is designed towards providing the students a strong background in fundamentals, an ability to translate it to real life problems and a capacity to design, build and analyze different products, processes and systems.
I am confident that our students would be an asset to the organization through their technical and managerial capabilities.
I am confident that our students would be an asset to the organization through their technical and managerial capabilities.
To transfer theoretical concepts in to practical to assists Industry and Community for business and entrepreneurial opportunities.
- Motivate the faculty and students for research by providing infrastructure and necessary financial assistance.
- Update knowledge of faculties and students through seminars and workshops and faculty development programs.
- Equip students to solve relevant challenges through interaction with society and Industry.
- To encourage faculty to apply for intellectual property rights and patents.
- To promote research publications in reputed journals and conferences.
Motivating Faculty & Student for Higher Education, Conference & Journal Publications
The institute has adopted a policy to inspire the faculties for higher education.
- To provide needed support at the time of admission for pursuing Ph.D.
- To make provision of study leave for the faculty pursuing Ph.D. in order to complete the research work.
- To make provision of duty leave in order to attend workshops, seminars, skill development, faculty development programs etc.
- The faculty can avail duty leave and financial assistant for attending the national international conferences with prior permission of the head of the institute.
- Provision of financial assistance in the annual budget is made for the organizing national / international conferences, paper presentation, quiz competition, attending orientation programs, project competition, technical events etc.
- The institute also supports for getting patents (Intellectual Property Rights) in the respective areas of the faculty.
Research & Developement Committee
Sr. No. | Name of Member | Designation | Position |
1 | Prof. Dr. S. B. Patil | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Prof. G. S. Jadhav | HOD, Civil Engg | Secretary |
3 | Prof. S. P. Salunkhe | Assistant Professor, Civil Engg | Member |
4 | Prof. S. D. Thorbole | Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engg | Member |
5 | PProf. Y. G. Jadhav | Assistant Professor, First Year Engg | Member |
6 | Dr. S. I. Nipanikar | Assistant Professor, E & TC Engg | Member |
7 | Prof. K. R. Pathak | Assistant Professor, Computer Engg | Member |
8 | Prof. K. R. Suryawanshi | Assistant Professor, Civil Engg | Member |
9 | Prof. S. V. Bankar | Assistant Professor, Civil Engg | Member |
Institute-Academic-Calendar 23-24 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 22-23 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 21-22 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 20-21 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 19-20 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 18-19 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 17-18 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 16-17 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 15-16 - Click here
Institute-Academic-Calendar 14-15 - Click here
Academic Monitoring Committee
Sr. No. | Name of The Member | Designation | Position |
1 | Prof. D. B. Shelke | Dean Academics | Chairman |
2 | Prof. G. S. Kothawale | Assistant Professor, Computer Engg | Member | 3 | Prof. K. R. Suryawanshi | Assistant Professor, Civil Enggt | Member |
4 | Prof. D. A. More | Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engg | Member |
5 | Prof. B. P. Tapare | Assistant Professor, First Year Engg | Member |
6 | Prof. A. R. Lokhande | Assistant Professor, E & TC Engg | Member |
SC/ST Reservation Committee
Sr. No. | Name of The Member | Designation |
1 | Prof. N. D. Bagul | Chairman |
2 | Prof. S. R. Sutar | Member-Civil Department |
3 | Prof. S. M. Jadhav | Member-Computer Department |
4 | Mr. A. D. Kamble | Member- E&TC Department |
5 | Ms. Dipali. C. Khude | Student Representative-Computer Department |
6 | Mr. Deepak G. Narkhede | Student Representative-Mechanical Department |
Grievance Redressal Committee
Sr. No. | Name of The Member | Designation | Position |
1 | Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Patil | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Smita S. Kale | Lawyer | Ombudsman |
3 | Prof. Digvijay B. Shelake | Teaching Staff Representative | Member Secretary | 4 | Prof. Dr. Sanjaykumar I. Nipanikar | Dean Academics | Member |
5 | Prof. Tanaji M. Dudhane | NSS Coordinator | Member |
6 | Prof. Sumod K. Pawar | Student Welfare Officer | Member |
7 | Prof. Mrs. Jija G. Kale | FE Coordinator | Member |
8 | Prof. Bhagwan D. Thorat | Alumni Association Coordinator | Member |
9 | Prof. Swanand D. Pasalkar | Training and Placement Officer | Member |
10 | Mr. Rahul. S. Khamkar | Non-Teaching Staff Representative | Member |
11 | Mr. Gorakhnath D. Jagtap | Office Suprintendent | Member |
Grievance Redressal Cell Click here
Sport Committee
Sr. No. | Name of The Member | Designation |
1 | Prof. O. R. Girame | Chairman |
2 | Prof. S. V. Bankar | Member-Civil Department |
3 | Prof. S. M. Jadhav | Member-Computer Department |
4 | Prof. L. M. Sagale | Member- E&TC Department |
5 | Prof. A. K. Kondhalakar | Member- FE Department |
6 | Mr. Krishna Yadav | Student Representative-Computer Department |
7 | Mr. Sanket Kamathe | Student Representative-Mechanical Department |
8 | Mr. Alankar Jagtap | Student Representative-E&TC Department |
9 | Mr. Shekhar Sondkar | Student Representative-Civil Department |
Cultural and Social Committee
Sr. No. | Name of The Member | Designation |
1 | Prof. Sanjay B. Patil | Chairman |
2 | Prof. Komal S. Khamkar | Co-ordinator - Comp Dept |
3 | Prof. Koustubh R. Juare | Co-coordinator - Civil Dept. |
4 | Prof. Nilesh D. Bagul | Member - Mech Dept. |
5 | Prof. Bhakti R. Bhatti | Member - Comp Dept. |
6 | Prof. Reshma R. Zende | Member - E&TC Department |
7 | Prof. Bapusaheb P. Tapare | Member - FE Department |
8 | Mr. Abhinav Walhekar | Student Representative - Computer Department |
9 | Mr. Akshay Kamble | Student Representative - Mechanical Department |
10 | Mr. Tejas Dudhane | Student Representative - E&TC Department |
11 | Ms. Rutuja Kale | Student Representative - Civil Department |
12 | Mr. Nikhil Vanarase | Student Representative - Applied Science |
Anti Ragging committee and Anti Ragging Squad committee has been framed by Institute as per the guide lines provided by AICTE, DTE and University to prevent and eliminate the Menace of ragging in our institute. This includes any conduct by any student or whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any student, or indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student, in this institution and thereby, to provide for the healthy development, physically and psychologically, of all students.”
All premises including academic, residential, sports, canteen etc. whether located with the campus or outside and all means of transportation of students whether public or private. If anyone found guilty of ragging and / or abetting ragging, whether actively or passively, or being a part of a conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished in accordance with the UGC Ragging on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Education Institution, 2009 and as well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force such as the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999.
And the use of alcohol and misconduct is also strictly prohibited in this campus.
Punishment / Penalties for ‘ragging’
Based on the report of enquiry submitted by the ARC, the Chairperson ARC will recommend to the competent authority any of the punishment/(s) listed below or any other kind of punishment, which she/he may consider to be appropriate.
Anti-Ragging Discipline & Squad Committee
Sr. No. | Name of Member | Designation | Position |
1 | Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Patil | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Prof. Mangesh B. Bankar | Teaching Staff Representative | Member Secretary |
3 | Dr. Sanjay B. Deokar | Psychologist | Counselor |
4 | Prof Govind H. Fartade | Teaching Staff Representative | Member |
5 | Prof. Jija G. Kale | Teaching Staff Representative | Member |
6 | Prof. Poonam G. Gaikwad | Teaching Staff Representative | Member |
7 | Mr. Kishor D. Malekar | Boys Hostel Rector | Member |
8 | Prof. Jyoti J. Bandal | Ladies Hostel Rector | Member |
9 | Mr. Gorkhanath D. Jagtap | Office Superintendent | Member |
10 | Mr. Rahul S. Khamkar | Non Teaching Staff Representative | Member |
11 | Rajgad Police Station, Kikvi | Police Inspector | Member |
12 | Mr. Deepak B. Yedave | Danik Prabhat Reporter | Member |
13 | Mr. Vyankatesh B. Patwari | Parents Representative | Member |
14 | Miss Apurva Jagtap | Student Representative | Member |
15 | Mr. Rohit S. Birdawade | Student Representative | Member |
Grievance Mechanism Click here
Notice Click here
Notice Click here
Anti Ragging Poster Click here
General Rules & Regulations
- Student must follow the rules and regulations framed by the Institute time to time.
- Students should strictly adhere to report on the day of commencement and end of each term during the academic year.
- The student must wear college uniform three days and whenever instructed by the college authorities.
- Student should carry his/ her identity card while he/ she is in the campus of the institute.
- The student is expected to read the notices put on the notice board of college, department and office regularly. The college is not responsible for any loss or damage caused to student due to his failure to read the notices from time to time.
- It is responsibility of student to help in maintaining building and the campus of the Institute clean and tidy.
- The student should note that he/she is responsible for his/her conduct in the premises of the institute and outside the premises as well.
- The student should not participate in any political or antisocial activities.
- If any objectionable conduct within or outside the premises of the Institute and the hostel by the student, id observable or reported, then he/she is liable for strict disciplinary action.
- If students found guilty in Ragging, he/she will liable for punishment according to clause9.1 of the Regulation, as per the High Court foe University Act, 1956-Regulation 26(1)G-2009.
- Student shall be liable for disciplinary action for misconduct and for violation of code of conduct.
The following shall constitute misconduct
- Physical assault or threat, against any member of the campus.
- Carrying of, use of or threat to use any weapons.
- Violation of the status, dignity and honor of a student belonging to the scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and / or any religion.
- Any practice, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women.
- Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal ground.
- Willfully obstructing any teaching, study, assessment or research activities or the administration of the college.
- Willfully damaging or wrongfully dealing with any property under control of the college; any property on College premises; or the property on the location where student is present under the auspices of the college.
- Disobeying or failing, without reasonable cause, to observe any provision of the Bye-Laws, or any rule made by AICTE/DTE/University/ Institute of which student have been duly notifies.
- Disobeying, without reasonable cause, any instruction of an officer or employee of the College.
- Withholding relevant information or furnishing false or misleading information for the purposes connected with academic progression.
- Misuse of the social Media for spreading forwarding contents that are objectionable by Laws.
- Involvement in Cyber Crime.
Link for AICTE Feedback (Student/ Faculty)
Student Course Feedback : student_course_feedback
Teacher Feedback : teacher_feedback
Parent Feedback : parent_feedback
Alumni Feedback : alumni_feedback
Action Taken Report : action_taken_report
Student Course Feedback : student_course_feedback
Teacher Feedback : teacher_feedback
Parent Feedback : parent_feedback
Alumni Feedback : alumni_feedback
Action Taken Report : action_taken_report
Sr. No. | Name of The Member | Designation |
1 | *Prof. Jija G. Kale Teaching staff Representative |
Chairman |
2 | *Prof. Rohini S. Nipanikar Teaching staff Representative |
Member Secretary |
3 | *Prof. Sonali B. Shirke Teaching staff Representative |
Member |
4 | *Prof. Shital P. Salunkhe Teaching staff Representative |
Member |
5 | *Prof. Shilpa P. Gole Teaching staff Representative |
Member |
6 | *Mrs. Vaishali D. Dixit Non Teaching staff Representative |
Member |
7 | *Dr.Vijayalaxmi J Pathak Doctor |
Member |
8 | *Adv. Jayashri R. Shinde Advocate |
Member |
9 | *Mrs. Archana Sanjay Patil NGO Member |
Member |
10 | Mr. Sachin Patil Police Inspector |
Member |
11 | *Miss. Rutuja D. Kale Student representative Ladies |
Member |
12 | Mr. Tejas T. Dudhane Student representative Gents |
Member |