Department of Computer Engineering
The B.E. Program in Computer Engineering allows an outstanding educational opportunity for those planning to pursue a career or to gain in-depth knowledge in Computer Engineering. Keeping in pace with the current era, the Computer Engineering syllabus covers comprehensive areas of both hardware and software technologies like Operating Systems, Microprocessor, Computer Architecture and Organization, Systems Programming, Operating Systems, Theory of Computation, Computer Graphics, Artificial and Machine Intelligence.
The faculty members are energetic and work with passion in the areas like IoT, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Database Management and Soft Computing. They aim to provide conducive learning environment for students to strengthen their analytical and practical skills. The Department of Computer Engineering undertakes various activities to inculcate technical and managerial skills within the students along with social responsibilities.
The department has a good combination of experienced and young faculties which works as a team to strengthen the department. The Department also extends support for projects and innovative ideas.

Prof. B. M. Borhade
Head of Department
Department of Computer Engineering
A warm welcome from the Department of Computer Engineering at Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's Shri Chhtrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Dhangawadi, Pune. Taking into consideration the requirements of industry and research organization we have developed all our labs. We have always tried to be globally competitive in all round development of our department.
Our department has a team of well experienced and qualified faculty and supporting staff. The team is striving hard continuously to improve upon the quality of engineering education provided to the students. Several workshops are provided with well-trained supervisors for development for soft skills.
The core values of the department help the students to develop their overall personality and make them stand confidently in the global competitive technological environment
Excellence in Computer Engineering to meet Industrial and Societal needs.
Devlop competant Computer Engineers with good communication skill, social and ethical values for devlopment of society.
Cultivate quality technical education to reach at the highest standard.
Prepare and nurture the mind set for all civil services, higher studies and research activity.
Promote exposure to green computing for developing sustainability standards.
Program Outcomes
- To apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, problem solving skills, algorithmic analysis and mathematical modeling to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- To analyze the problem by finding its domain and applying domain specific skills
- To understand the design issues of the product/software and develop effective solutions with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- To find solutions of complex problems by conducting investigations applying suitable techniques.
- To adapt the usage of modern tools and recent software.
- To contribute towards the society by understanding the impact of Engineering on global aspect.
- To understand environment issues and design a sustainable system.
- To understand and follow professional ethics.
- To function effectively as an individual and as member or leader in diverse teams and interdisciplinary settings.
- To demonstrate effective communication at various levels.
- To apply the knowledge of Computer Engineering for development of projects, and its finance and management.
- To keep in touch with current technologies and inculcate the practice of lifelong learning.
Program Specific Outcomes
PS01: Professional Skills-The ability to understand, analyze and develop computer programs in the areas related to algorithms, system software, multimedia, web design, big data analytics, and networking for efficient design of computer-based systems of varying.PS02: Problem-Solving Skills- The ability to apply standard practices and strategies in software project development using open-ended programming environments to deliver a quality product for business success.
PS03: Successful Career and Entrepreneurship- The ability to employ modern computer languages, environments, and platforms in creating innovative career paths to be an entrepreneur, and a zest for higher studies.
Program Educational Outcomes
- To prepare globally competent graduates having strong fundamentals, domain knowledge, updated with modern technology to provide the effective solutions for engineering problems.
- To prepare the graduates to work as a committed professional with strong professional ethics and values, sense of responsibilities, understanding of legal, safety, health, societal, cultural and environmental issues.
- To prepare committed and motivated graduates with research attitude, lifelong learning, investigative approach, and multidisciplinary thinking.
- To prepare the graduates with strong managerial and communication skills to work effectively as individual as well as in teams.

Language Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. K. S. Diwate
Lab Details: Comp System –Lenovo 3010Intel i5 3470 3.20 ghz Processor, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, DVD Optical Drive, Includes: Keyboard and Mouse, Lenovo LCD 18.5“ Software Price Network Switch D Link 24 PORT D-link 4 U Rack.

Computer Center (Centralised) Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. R. B. Raut
Lab Details: Intel P-C2D Intel 31 PR Mother Board, Intel C2D 2.93GHz 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD Microsoft Keyboard & Mouse ,I ball hg7272 Cabinet with SMPS 18.5’’LCD Monitor LG Model No-W1953TE,Intel 2.93Core 2 Duo, M/B Intel DG41W, Ram 2 GB, 250 GB HDD,NETWORK Switch D Link 24 PORT.

Basic Computing Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. K. R. Pathak
Lab Details: Intel P-C2D Intel 31 PRMother Board,Intel C2D 2.93GHz 2 GB RAM, Microsoft Keyboard & Mouse ,I ball hg7272 Cabinet with SMPS 18.5’’LCD Monitor LG Model No-W1953TE,NETWORK Switch D Link 24 PORT,D-link 6 U Rack.

Database Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. B. R. Bhatti
Lab Details: HP 3010 Intel i5 3470 3.20 ghz Processor, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, DVD Optical Drive, Includes: Keyboard and Mouse, HP LCD 18.5“,Network Switch 24 Port, D-link 6 U Rack

Computer Network Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. K. S. Khamkar
Lab Details: HP 3010 Intel i5 3470 3.20 ghz Processor, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, DVD Optical Drive, Includes: Keyboard and Mouse, Dell 18.5“,NETWORK Switch D Link 24 PORT,Canon LBP2900P, D-link 6 U Rack

Project Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Porf. G. B. Yadav
Lab Details: Intel P-C2DIntel 3DG41RQ Mother Board Intel C2D 2.93Ghz, 250 GB HDD, 2 GB DDR 2 RAM, Microsoft Keyboard & Mouse, ATX Cabinet with SMPS,18.5’’LCD Monitor LG Intel processor Core i5, Motherboard – Asus 81mc-s, Ram 4 GB, HDD-500 GB, Microsoft Keyboard & Mouse, I ball ATX Cabinet with SMPS, 18.5” LG LCD Monitor Canon LBP2900P NETWORK Switch - D Link 24 PORT D-link 4 U Rack.

Intelligence System Laboratory
Lab In-Charge: Prof. B. M. Borhade
Lab Details: Comp System – Intel processor Core i5, Motherboard – Asus 81mc-s, Ram 4 GB, HDD-500 GB, Microsoft Keyboard & Mouse, I ball ATX Cabinet with SMPS, 18.5”/15”LG LCD Monitor Canon LBP2900P NETWORK Switch D Link 24 PORT D-link 4 U Rack.